English Sentence Completion

1)When he is free____

2)When i m freee_____

3)I recognzd tht___

4)He is needless to say__

5)He is poor but__

6)He palns to__

7)Until you appologize__

8)He fel sorry bcz__

9)It z painfull___

10)He is considrd to b___

11)She slvd th prblm bcz__

12)I am hvng troubl____

13)In his dream___

14)Aftr dream__

15)He got up at mid night__

16)To shave his skinn he___

17)He hates to__

18)He needed hlp bcz__

19)I feel a lill hurt___

20)He missed__

21)The result of ths cnflict__

22)At the last time___

23)As last resort___

24)I feel bad__

25)You should remembr___

26)Never ever judge___

1)he ws invitd___

2)in my family___

3)in his family__

4)he got th msg tht__

5)on sseing a stranger__

6)he got__

7)it deal a grt deal of courage__

8)thy becam so rish___

9)aftr getting addmition in coolege____

10)my parents r___

11)the source of hs strght is ___

12)he ws surpriesd___

13)beautifull grls___

14)on his way__

15)i am vry___

16)my fault was____

17)his fault is___

18)my fault is__

19)i ws surpried to knw___

20)his aim was___

21)my brother____

22)all my senses__

23)he has to accpt tht___

24)in a v short time__

25)aftr success he__

26)if u have nothng to do______

1)he was alarmed whn___

2)he was undr pressure___

3)i cant undrstand why_____

4)in a fit of range,he___

5)he never tries of____

6)if u insult him___

7)in his childhood___

8)it z bad hbbit to____

9)it z v sldom tht he____

10)it z the high time tht___

11)i hv applied___

12)i always feel tht__

13)you may like__

14)he spread the rumour tht__

15)it z beyound my knowledge____

16)at last i h ope__

17)he objctd tht__

18)he objctd to___

19)in my toughts______

20)to support himslf___

21)he flt ashamed of ___

22)he addimitd tht____

23)whn the chief came____

24)handng knief in hand___

25)he is shy____

26)it seem as if___

I am not afraid of……....

Life has………………...

I am surprise…………...

He wanted……………..

To become rich………..

He could not…………..

Hard ship……………...

When he was alone……

Hi is up set…………….

Money is ……………...

He tried………………...

Our press …………..

He needs………………

My ambition…………

My father……………….

Keep your………………

Related post: Urdu Sentence Completion


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