Suicide: Some Quranic Verses and Ahadith

Here are some Quranic verses and Ahadith Nabvi about suicide for your reference;

Verses from Holy Quran

Quranic Verse 1:

"Don't kill yourself. No doubt Allah (swt) is merciful and anyone who does so, will be pushed in fire. And it is easy for Allah (swt)." (Nisa: 5:29, 5:30)

Quranic Verse 2:

"We are property of Allah (swt) and we will return to Allah (swt) one day." (Baqra 2:156)

Quranic Verse 3:

"Don't' kill yourself with your own hands" (Baqra 2:195)


Hadith No.1:

 "Whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, he will be tortured in hell with the same weapon". (Bokhari)

Hadith No.2:

 "Whoever strangles himself with a rope, he will keep on strangling himself until being burnt in hell. And he who killed himself with a spear, he will keep on being killed by spear until he is sent to hell." (Bokhari)

Hadith No.3:

 "Before death, a sick person cut his own fingers due to prolonged sickness and depression. Rasulullah (saw) saw him in dream and he was hiding his fingers. Rasulullah prayed to Allah to forgive him for cutting his own fingers". (Muslim)

Hadith No.4:

 "A hypocrite fighting alongwith Rasulullah (saw) was very brave in the fight but when he was too much hurt, he killed himself with his own sword to avoid pain. Upon this, Rasulullah (saw) informed all that this person goes to hell. He said that there are some who do a few things to qualify for heaven, but they actually qualify for nothing except hell. Similarly, there are some whom everyone considers as going to hell, but they are actually going to heaven." (Muslim).

Hadith No.5:

 "Rasulullah said there was a person back in time who had a painful acne and he cut his own wound whereby a lot of blood spilled and he died. Allah (swt) said "Heaven is fobidden to him". (Muslim)

Hadith No.6:

 Whoever kills himself with a weapon made of iron, he will keep on hurting himself in hell with the same weapon in hell. And whoever kills himself with poison, he will keep on eating poison in hell. And whoever commits suicide by falling from mountain, he will keep on falling in the fire of hell forever over and over again." (Muslim)

Fatwa in Durre Mukhtar:

 "Although one who commits suicide, will burn in hell forever, but the deceased was a Muslim before doing this act and he will be buried as per normal Muslim traditions. Such a person will be given Ghusl, Janaaza Salaat and burial in a Muslim cemetery as is the case with any other sinful Muslim. "

Related Post: Information About Islam


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