Interesting facts about Twitter

Twitter is something I was not fond of but started using slowly and regularly when I started to blog. This is when I realized the many applications for using Twitter. Last month we had a post by Sanwal hussain  I thought I would do a little research thanks to Wikipedia articles and other sources I managed to put together 10 interesting facts about Twitter. :-)

  • Twitter was created mainly to stay connected with a group of friends through SMS channels. It was never meant to be used on the internet much and that was the reason for its 140 character limit.
  • Twitter was mostly funded through venture capitalists who funded most of the $ 50 million, Twitter is still operating on.
  • Twitter was founded in 2006 and for the first 3 years as a company Twitter made a total of ‘zero’ dollars in revenues.
  • Twitter is expected to make 1.54 billion dollars by the end of 2013 with over a billion users.
  • Twitter has over over 65 millions tweets everyday and that averages to 750 tweets per second.
  • There are over 70,000 registered applications for Twitter created mostly by people who have no connection to Twitter.
  • The first tweet on Twitter was by Jack Dorsey and the tweet was “Just setting up my twttr” on 21st March 2006.

  • There are over 75 million Twitter accounts of which only 2546 accounts are verified.
  • Tweets like “i am having lunch’ became known as pointless babbles. A research showed that about 40% of the tweets are in this category.
  • Twitter handles 24 billion search queries a month. Yahoo handles 9.4 billion search queries and Bing handles about 4.1 search queries. This means Twitter is the ranked #2 search engine behind Google which handles about 88 billion search queries. :-)
Hope you found these facts about Twitter as interesting to read as I enjoyed searching and compiling them. If you think I have missed anything interesting or have views on Twitter do drop in your comments. ;-)

Related post : Facts about Facebook

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